12 Working Groups have formed to prepare the in-person Kick-off Workshop planned to be held in Washington DC, 12.-15. August 2025. More than 130 scientists have already indicated to contribute for designing the TIMES program. 


Each Working Group has identified lead-scientists who steer working group actions and are part of Initial Working Group (IWG). The IWG is a smaller group of people to coordinate the Kick-Off Meeting preparation, about 30 scientists at the moment. After the Kick-Off Meeting the IWG will be replaced by a Steering Committee and a core groups of scientists for managing the program and leading proposals to fund the networking.


In preparation for the Kick-off Workshop three online workshops with the Initial Working Group and the Working Groups will be done:

TIMES 1st Online Meeting: Friday, December 6th, 1 to 4 PM UTC

TIMES 2nd Online Meeting: Monday, February 24th, 1 to 4 PM UTC


TIMES 3rd Online Meeting: Two days 19-23 May 2025


The 1st meeting will discuss Objectives, Scope, Milestones, Science Plan Preparation.

The 2nd meeting will discuss Concept and Structure, Funding Schemes.