Data Plots - Setting Axes Video3 min
1. Open an experiment and load the basic CODD menus
2. Run Set_Data_Range to change data plotting limits for User selected specific data types (e.g. GRA, MS, LStar, NGR, …). All axes that include the data type in their name will be set to the same range. User selects either the top graph only, or all open graphs.
3. Run AgeOrDepthAxisRange to align all of the ranges of a selected X axis type (Depth, Age, or Other). It applies to all open graphs. All X axes that include the depth type in their name will be set to the same range.
4. Run Change_XAxis_Range to align all of the X axis ranges regardless of type. It applies to all open graphs. All X axes will be set to the same range
Both of the XAxis functions include increments to the input depth range that are applied on the next call to the function.