Data Editing - Filters Video 11 min
1. Open an experiment and load the basic CODD menus
2. From the Includes_Files folder, open Includes_Data_Editing.
3. Display the data - either from a single Hole (NewDataPlot) or an entire site (Data_MultiPlot).
The Filters:
Run RemoveSectionEndData to get rid of the spikes that are the result of measuring too close to the section end ( 2.5 cm cutoff ). A WaveNote is created reflecting that this function has been applied to the data.
Run Auto_Edit to remove data points less than and greater than 2 values entered. A WaveNote containing the filter parameters is added to the data. A new data wave is formed with the original name plus “_DeSpk” appended.
Run Median_DeSpike for a median filter which replaces spikes with a local median value. A WaveNote containing the filter parameters is added to the data. A new data wave is formed with the original name plus “_DeSpk” appended.
4. After creating a “DeSpk” wave, run AppendDeSpikeWave to plot the despiked data on top of the original data. You may re-run the filter with different parameters to watch how it effects the resultant data
5. Once you are happy with the filtering, run Save_Raw_And_DeSpike. The first time through, this function saves a copy of the original data (minus the section ends if you ran that filter) and it renames the despiked data with the original name. Subsequent saves will only perform the renaming and not effect the Raw data.
6. Run another filter and repeat #4 and #5 above.
RemoveSectionEndData() does not form a “DeSpk” wave. It can be run at any time.
Always run Save_Raw_And_DeSpike() after finishing with each filter. Otherwise the wavenote of the final parameters of the filters may be lost.