CreateSpliceSampleList   Video 5 min


Run CreateSpliceSampleList from the bottom of the CODD_Data menu to create a sample list at regular depth intervals over a selected depth range. Results are displayed in a table and can be found in a new data folder - CSI_OutPut.


Run CSI_From_SpliceList under the SampleID_From_Depth_or_Cursor submenu of the CODD_Functions menu to generate a sample list from a list of CCSF/mcd depths. The output is the same as above.


Run CSI_From_CsrA_CCSF under the SampleID_From_Depth_or_Cursor submenu of the CODD_Functions menu to print the sample ID  at the location of the A Cursor. The function works on either a data or image plot.



Running either of the “List” functions will overwrite any data in an existing CSI_OutPut folder. To preserve a set of results before using a different list of depths (or depth interval), simply rename the CSI_OutPut folder. A new folder will be created when one of the functions is next run.